I feel this is sort of self explanatory, but too often in every gym I've ever stepped foot in, there are many people lifting with far too much momentum. By training this way, not only are you short changing your results by taking the focus off the intended muscle, but you are setting yourself up for injury. I also see all over social media people who are lifting with the intent to build muscle but are using far too much load for the specific movement they are attempting to perform. If you can't move that weight without utilizing other parts...

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 As a new gym goer, I'm sure you at one point looked up an online training split and it looked something like: Monday: Chest and Triceps Tuesday: Legs Wednesday: Back and Biceps Thursday: Shoulders  Friday: Arms Saturday: Off Sunday: Off A muscle GENERALLY is able to recover 48 hours after the last time you trained it volume being the main factor. If you went in and let's say crushed 20-25 sets on chest, it is doubtful you will be recovered until at least 4 days factoring sleep and your nutrition. Plus let's be honest, 20-25 sets of working sets is...

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